Shortening the lead time for creating manuals

General electronic manufacturer in Japan

  • Issue

    The client, the Audio-Video division of a Japanese general electronic manufacturer with a global presence, was looking to reduce the lead time for their multilingualization process regarding manuals/documentation of LCD projectors and multi-purpose manuals/documentation.
    - For a single model, it was necessary to create a multilingual manual that corresponds to users in 20 some countries. - At the same time, manuals were being developed for other models. - There were differences between models and languages. - Updates occurred frequently due to specification changes.

  • Solution & result

    By having the same Project Leader manage all of the projects, client information could be centrally managed. In the workflow which utilized CAT (Computer-Assisted Translation) tools, issues relating with language differences and frequent updates were difficult to support. Specialized editors identified differences, performed editing, and updated the material (for each language; due to editing and specification changes). As a result, the lead time for developing multilingual and multipurpose manuals was shortened compared to conventional methods.

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