Appealing information to the Japanese market with quick turnaround

IT security company in the United States

  • Issue

    As this was a cloud-based service, it was necessary to provide documents in a short amount of time and to update the website simultaneously. It was also necessary to translate into Japanese and register on the same day any newly-discovered vulnerability data. With UI translations, it was necessary to check and revise the client's site in addition to checking the server.

  • Solution & result

    - TOIN improved efficiency by continuously reviewing the UI files and definitions optimized for localization. - During screen checks, TOIN used a method to limit the necessary areas to minimize the work hours. - TOIN utilized a TMS (Translation Management System) to the fullest to achieve high-quality translations using minimum work hours and costs. - For website translations, TOIN explained the details of the functions to the translators by showing demos in order to achieve appealing translations, and made sure the translators understood the material before translation was done. - By also responding on weekends, TOIN achieved same-day updates with no time difference from the head office.

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