Shortening the time for multilingual development

Major printer manufacturer in Japan

  • Issue

    A printer driver was created for 16 countries and localization proceeded swiftly. Every time the software was updated, the translated strings needed to be built into the software and the driver had to be tested. The client was asking their local subsidiaries to provide the translations by a local translation company/translator but prompt response/support was difficult because changes were needed right up until the product was released. In addition, the client had given up trying to localize Northern European, Eastern European and Southeast Asian languages from Japan.

  • Solution & result

    Translation was completed locally but TOIN performed the software testing work for each language internally. As a result, the time required for the entire process was dramatically reduced and verification reports could be created a few hours after the new software was provided. In addition, the same process was applied to localize other products of the client.

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