English translation and revision of medical papers with looming deadlines

Pharmaceutical company, Development department

  • Issue

    - Translation of papers submitted to American medical journals. Unification was necessary because there were multiple authors. - As these were papers to be published, it was necessary to include the latest information. - It was necessary to clear a rigorous standard (70% rejection rate). - As it was necessary to respond by the pressing deadlines, it was essential to do the revision work at the same time.

  • Solution & result

    TOIN assigned a translator with experience of supervising/editing medical journals to which papers are submitted. As there were many authors, there was great variation, and so TOIN met with the customer many times before implementing both revision and unification work. Additionally, TOIN also implemented native checks, and there were meetings between the translators and client on specific issues, and TOIN performed revision work to create highly accurate papers. Even though there were different formats for each journal, the assigned translator had deep knowledge of publishing papers, and as a result the documents were submitted by the deadline.

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