Outsourcing translations previously done in-house to reduce in-house costs

Northern European general manufacturer of telecommunication devices

  • Issue

    As the customer's head office is in northern Europe, it was necessary to translate large volumes of in-house documents. There was many unique in-house jargon, so outsourcing was difficult and everything was handled in-house, but the client wanted to keep HR costs from increasing.

  • Solution & result

    TOIN created an in-house system that functioned as a department of the client. Assigning translators who had been previously dispatched to the client solved the problem of in-house jargon. TOIN configured a team of a dedicated project manager, DTP operators, language lead, and translator team to create a system that delivered email requests to TOIN at the same time as the customer. By configuring a system that enabled TOIN to function as a department of the client, the customer requested TOIN to translate nearly all of their in-house documents.

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