Document production system to improve business efficiency

Major telecommunication infrastructure company, Document department

  • Issue

    The client wanted to avoid straying from the current production system that they had already invested in. There was a need to create a mechanism that could individually designate links from both sides during the production process. There was a need to create a mechanism that enabled the client to individually verify the final delivered goods. The client wanted to automatically handle the processes after creating the content.

  • Solution & result

    After analyzing and extending the existing DTD (Document Type Definition), TOIN constructed a mechanism that could create the deliverable goods. TOIN came up with the idea of a virtual image function for the final deliverable verification and automatic link settings/management methods based on both document structures. As a result, TOIN was able to receive approval for the division of roles of the linked system construction and a minimal investment plan that satisfied the client.
    Used technology and tools: Windows Terminal Service/Metamorphosis/OmniMark/MS Visual Basic/FrameMaker+SGML

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