Online multilingual manual

Global Japanese company that manufactures corporate MFP devices

  • Issue

    Central manage and share existing and future content The client wanted to use XML files to manage content in a versatile manner. The client wanted to share the structure and manage content because there were many differences in part numbers and specifications. The client wanted to manage UIs separately because they would not be determined until the end.

  • Solution & result

    TOIN managed the general text unit for content management with a database and implemented a management method that separated it from the document structure. TOIN also developed a web-based conversion server to convert the existing content's (SGML) translation memory to XML format. TOIN implemented a system that could manage the document structure including part numbers and destination information on a database. The UI elements were removed after the operating method of the data creation was confirmed, and the UI elements were implemented as a different workflow from the content translation. With this, TOIN was able to create a system that the client requested.
    Used technology and tools: Enterprise Publisher/XSLT Conversion/Antenna House XSL Formatter/Tomcat Struts JSP Application Framework/Delphi/OmniMark/MS Visual C++/JavaScript

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